福岡の中村国際ホテル学校からニュージーランドのホテル有給インターンシップにご参加いただき、オークランド中心部にあるPullman Aucklandという5つ星のホテルに配属のIshikawa Shimba君、なんと!この度Best of Pullman Awardにノミネートされました。本当におめでとうございます。
「Shimba is a “Real Deal”. He displays a can do attitude, is very efficient and gets the job done without any worries. He is a person who you can rely on and has the teams back. He always has a smile at the end of the day!
Shimba arrives early for his shift, executes all his duties almost before he is asked to do them, organises his day well, and no task is too difficult for him (e.g. he removed a cat from the building and found its owner). He also tries to experience all things NZ! Shimba is a positive, cheerful young man and fits into our team so well. We all love working with him and are glad he belongs to us!」
Shimba君が参加された有給インターンシッププログラムの詳細はこちら → Gina & Partnersのニュージーランド有給インターンシップ